Author: Snehal Potbhare

Recently awarded the ‘Uzhavar Award for Best Agricultural Journalist’, Aparna Karthikeyan has been succinctly documenting stories on the life and livelihood of farmers from rural Tamil Nadu. Through her reportage, Aparna Karthikeyan has particularly highlighted the contribution of women farmers. With many interesting facets to her life including her love for pets, Karthikeyan also authors children’s books, and contributes to media outlets, including The Hindu and People’s Archive of Rural India. “I consider my job to be that of a witness and a storyteller, to take stories of these people as honestly and sensitively as possible to the audience. Whether…

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Nestled within the vibrant Sahyadris, approximately 100 kilometers from Aurangabad, lie the Ajanta Caves—a splendid fusion of art, science, and spirituality. These caves, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, stand as a testament to the artistic brilliance of ancient India, offering a visual narrative of the country’s rich cultural tapestry. Historical Significance and Artistic Brilliance The Ajanta murals, dating back to different periods, offer a glimpse into ancient Indian life, particularly focusing on the life of Buddha through his various lifetimes as different bodhisattvas. A history researches and enthusiast tells the Voices, “”The Ajanta paintings showcase two distinct periods:…

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