The Voices

The tweaks of life might seem like electric shocks,
Hone your skills and be sturdy like solid rocks.

You juggle with the thoughts of your heart and brain,
Unite them with grace or one might weep like rain.

At times your heart might run a race,
Numb you stand, but your eyes do the job at faster pace.

In all extremes your noble heart will fiercely pump,
Make it fearless to face the road blocks and the bumps.

Your brain might speak vivaciously to the burning sun,
But the heart will secretly wish for the moon and get its job done.

You constantly strive to discover your existential fuel,
The heart and brain will always quarrel to royally rule.

Let the flight of your thoughts land on the heart’s runway,
Weave their feelings together and merrily sway.

Lock them tight in the rib’s golden cage,
But protect them from envy’s darts of rage.

When in anger, feel the protons residing in your heart,
Don’t rush to conclusions, your heart travels in a bullock cart.

To strive for the best, understand your heart’s flawless art,
It is wrapped in priceless sentiments that you will never find in the brain’s mart.

By: Ankita Kandade


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